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Hacker Stuff

Nun Stuff

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About HN

STUFF (n)   1. materials, supplies, or equipment used in various human activities.  2. material to be manufactured, wrought, or used in construction : raw or partially prepared material.  3. an unspecified material substance or aggregate of matter.  4. an activity or branch of knowledge requiring specialized study, practice, or skill.  5. the fundamental material of which something is made or consists : ESSENCE
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The Site
It's a bit hacked together at the moment so bear with me. There's lots of bugs, but I've learned that if I wait until it's perfect to get it online, it will never happen.

I mostly use the Opera web browser so it tends to work best with Opera or Netscape though I test with Internet Exploder, also.

You might also want to know that I do use one cookie on the site, so far. The cookie only lets the server know that you've already seen the "splash page". If your browser doesn't accept cookies, then you'll see the page with Earth against the background of the Hubble deep field everytime you come to www.hackernun.org. Eventually, I'll add all the boring stuff like usage policy, and privacy policy. For now, I use the exjay spam policy since that is where this site is hosted. Basically, I don't like spam and don't want it.

The site contains a hodge-podge of original material and I hope to keep adding more. There's labyrinth building instructions, pn MS Word macro toprint a booklet, outlines to Finding the Treasure and Selling All, and some of what I've learned about building multiple boot systems. My personal favorite is the Mother Theodore Quote of the Day Calendar.

The Person
I suppose I should begin with the confession that I'm not really a hacker, just a bit of a geek. I'm not even really a programmer, which is evident if you read my code. As a former co-worker of mine used to say, "I've never written an original line of code in my life." I've spent most of my professional career debugging and fixing other folk's code at IBM and Boole & Babbage. I've also done some web development, spent some time working in the computer services department of my congregation, and am now teaching high school. Some day, perhaps, I'll post my resume.

As for being a nun, it's absolutely true. I'm a fairly new nun, just over five years in community. What can I say? As I often heard in Catholic grade school, it's a mystery! It's a big, glorious universe and I revel in it and in the mystery of my own existance in it. It is so overwhelmingly glorious to me that I am compelled to worship the wonderous Source of it all. So, is it any wonder that <sarcasm>I'd rather give up sex and spend my days in wonder, worship, and service than to be a wage slave and have sex?!</sarcasm> Besides, nuns live longer! Seriously though, I have much more to say about that but it will have to wait until I have some time to write and essay or two.

Meanwhile, you'll just have to take my word that nuns are probably not the women you think they might be. To paraphrase an old Oldsmobile ad slogan, we are not your father's nuns. Trust me when I say that the stereotypes usually don't apply. Women religious in the United States are as often executive directors of non-profit corporations, university professors, eco-justice activists, and prisoners of conscience as teachers, nurses, and social workers. I like to think of us as loving and dangerous women going about the business of subverting the dominant paradigm and bringing about the reign of God.


©2002 Deidre G. Jordy, SP
All rights reserved.

The opinions expressed on this site are my own. They should not be construed as representing the positions of my congregation, the views of my sisters, or the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church except where otherwise explicitly stated.